Critical Thinking Journal #4 prep. discussion: American philosopher Richard Taylor wrote, “All men are fatalists as they look back on things." Write about 250-300 words for your critical thinking journal in which you, (1) define what Taylor meant by fatalism (or fatalists) and (2) in just a few sentences paraphrased from your source, describe who he is and what the quote reflects about his own life and philosophy, (3) explain what the quote means, and (4) give a specific and concrete example of this truth from your own experience or your own observation. (5) Include a correctly formatted, MLA-style works cited entry from the source. (2 points)
In this interview, Richard Taylor gave some insight in how he felt about being a fatalist. Taylor is a philosopher and he argues many different points, but he feels no matter how great of an argument it is, it will not change the someones belief. Fatalism is naturally believing in your own ideas or theories. Richard Taylor is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Rochester and an internationally renowned ethicist, but prior to this he had never planned on becoming a philosopher. Taylor went to college to become a preacher at the University of Chicago. While there he meant other philosophers such as Plato. After serving in the Navy, Taylor went to Oberlin college and then to Brown University. While attending at Brown University he began publishing papers. Taylor quoted “All men are fatalists as they look back on things." As men look back on things they remember why the did things a certain way. We may get advice or incorporate other ideas in how we feel or what we believe, but at the end of the day our beliefs are strong. Sometimes men regret doing things or feeling sometime of way, because they got distracted from how things should be done. Men are born with natural instincts of how things should be done. The environment you are raised in tends to mold your ideas and help you develop as a person. In my life my faith in the lord will always be apart of my life. Although I have friends and associates who feel a different way. Some believe there is no higher power and they are capable of arguing their opinion, but i'm also capable of arguing mine.
Work Cited
“Richard Taylor.” Richard Taylor. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2015